The March 4, 2021 City Manager’s report referred a “Motion to Enforce the Settlement Agreement” filed on February 22, 2021 and scheduled for hearing on April 21st at 11:00 a.m. The City Manager’s report is attached to the Clarkston City Council packet and is publicly available on the city’s website without restriction. A link to the city council packet is also sent to everyone registered on the civicplus listserv for City Council information for the City of the Village of Clarkston. Though there have been many motions filed in the case, this is the first time that I recall seeing any of them referred to in any city manager’s report.
As the City Manager provided no additional context to the information that he made available to the general public, I’m linking to copies of the court filings related to this matter:
20210222 – Motion to enforce settlement
20210308 – Response to Motion to Enforce Settlement
20210308 – Affidavit Opposing Motion to Enforce Settlement
20210309 – Plaintiff’s Motion for Entry of Order on Fee Award
20210325 – Response to Plaintiff’s motion for entry of order (with exhibit)